Dr. Mitchell Kusy

Owner,Kusy Consulting & Associates,

Dr. Mitchell Kusy A 2005 Fulbright Scholar in Organization Development,he is a professor in the PhD. Program, Graduate School of Leadership & Change, Antioch University. Mitch has consulted and been a keynote speaker with hundreds of organizations nationally and internationally-helping create work cultures of respectful engagement impacting individual, team, and bottom-line performance. He previously headed leadership and organization development at American Express and HealthPartners. Previous to his just-released book, Why I Don't Work Here Anymore: A Leader’s Guide to Offset the Financial and Emotional Costs of Toxic Employees, Mitch co-authored five business books-one a best-seller. In 1998, he was named Minnesota Organization Development Practitioner of the Year. He resides in Minneapolis and Palm Springs, and may be contacted at mitchellkusy@gmail.com or via his website at www.mitchellkusy.com. He can be followed on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-mitch-kusy/) and Facebook Business (www.facebook.com/mitchkusy/).